The Property Perspective is a member of The Property Ombudsman (TPOS) and as such aims to provide the highest standards of service to all our customers. To ensure that your interest are safeguarded, we have a Complaints Process in place. The aim of this process is to resolve any issues or concerns as quickly as possible, although in the majority of cases we hope that matters such as these are resolved at branch level.
Stage OneAll complaints should, in the first instance, be directed, within twelve months of the issue occurring, to the person you have been dealing with. He or she will endeavour to resolve your complaint immediately, and no later than five working days of the first notification.
Stage TwoIf you remain dissatisfied, you may the further your complaint, which must be in writing, within one month of receiving the first response. The person you have been dealing can supply you with the details of the appropriate person to write to. They will acknowledge your complaint within three working days of receipt of your letter and provide you with a full written response within 15 working days. They will give you the opportunity to respond and will re-investigate if necessary, again acknowledging your letter within three working days of receipt and providing a full written response within 15 working days.
Stage ThreeIf you remain dissatisfied, you will be given the name of someone in the Company who has not been involved. This person will independently review and fully investigate the issues you have raised. Your letter will be acknowledge within three working days of receipt and you will be provided with a final view written response on behalf of the Company within 15 working days of receipt of your letter.
Stage Four - The Property OmbudsmanAfter you have received a final view written response you may approach the Ombudsman if you are not satisfied with the response given. Details of how to do this are contained within the final viewpoint letter, The Property Ombudsman Consumer Guide or online at http://www.tpos.co.uk. Please note that you must do so within twelve months of the date of the final view written response letter. The Property Ombudsman will not consider your complaint until our internal complaints process has been completed.
Milford House, 43 - 55 Milford Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 2BP
01722 333 306 | admin@tpos.co.uk | www.tpos.co.uk